Celebrating Success in October
Primary 1 with their good behaviour certificates.
Primary 7 drama.
October's winners wore their t-shirts all day in order to celebrate their successes for the following reasons:
Class | Winner | Capacity | Reason for Award |
P1a | Jay Proctor | Responsible Citizen | Tidies up carefully and shows good example as class energy monitor. |
P1b | Cameron Rorrison | Responsible Citizen | Takes care of materials by replacing lids carefully. |
P2 | Marc Allan | Responsible Citizen | Always respectful thinking about the feelings of others. |
P2/3 | Kai Robertson | Responsible Citizen | Trying hard to respect our world by taking care of it. |
P3 | Jordan Nesbitt | Successful Learner | Trying hard and making good progress in reading and maths. |
P4 | Jane Barker | Successful Learner | Enthusiastic and working hard in maths. |
P5 | Jay Mathieson | Effective Contributor | Contributes well in group tasks and whole class discussions. |
P5/6 | Kenzi Dickson | Effective Contributor | Works well with a partner and as part of a team. |
P6 | Cameron Mackinnon | Confident Individual | Committed to a healthy lifestyle and shows skills in athletics. |
P7 | Verse Abudar | Confident Individual | Volunteers for jobs in class, does well as Anti-Bullying rep and speaks out in class. |