Celebrating Success in April

The following pupils have been proudly wearing their '4 Capacities' t-shirts after receiving their certificates at Assembly today.
Class | Winner | Capacity | Reason for Award |
P1a | Shauna Snadden | Successful Learner | Excellent progress in Maths and Language. Very independent and mature. |
P1b | Kieran Elliot | Successful Learner | Excellent progress in Language work. Always keen to help others. |
P2 | Elle Ball | Successful Learner | Uses technology to further her learning. Evaluates others' work carefully. |
P2/3 | Liam McMenamay | Successful Learner | Enthusiastic at all times. He uses transferable skills at Maths. |
P3 | Rhys Garner | Effective Contributor | Always joins in and contributes ideas. Encourages others to participate. |
P4 | Danielle Kaney | Effective Contributor | Contributes more to class discussions and always offers an opinion. |
P4/5 | Conor Adam | Confident Individual | Works well with others. Values his own and others' opinions. |
P5 | Lewis McBride | Confident Individual | Hardworking and focussed - confident in his own ability. |
P6 | Kirandeep Gill | Responsible Citizen | Mature and responsible. Takes on any role. Very helpful. |
P7 | Ross Kinnear | Responsible Citizen | Shows respect for others. Acts responsibly in all tasks given. |